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Sunday, December 18, 2016

On Page SEO: Top Ranking Factor at a Glance

On page SEO means optimizing each of your webpages to rank higher in the search engines and get relevant traffic from the search engines. On page SEO refers to the content text, media files and the HTML source code that can be optimized.

Ranking factors of on page SEO

There are a number of factors that affects the on page ranking. Some of them are as bellow.


Content is called the king.
Bill gates quetos about content

Content must be unique and worthy for both the search engine and the audience. Keywords must be distributed equally throughout the whole writing- this is termed as keyword prominence. Keyword density is another factor that affect the quality of that content. It means the percentage of targeted keyword in the content. It should be less than 3%. But if you put your keyword everywhere in your content that would be very bad for your ranking - it is termed as keyword stuffing.

Title of the Page

Second most important that matters your position in ranking. The URL must be precise and contain the keywords that you are targeting. Your URL have to be attractive to people as well as relational with your content.

URL of Content

URL is one of the most important on page ranking factor.
This image shows the basic structure of an url
Every URL of your content must be unique. It must contain the keyword that you are targeting. You should use (-) dash between wards and be sure not to use (_) underscore. Always use good structures that can be understood by both the search engines and the users.

Alt Text

Alt means Alternative. You must use alt tag in your media content because the crawler can’t read the media. For example where user see picture in a content the crawler sees only pixels. But they can read the alt text for getting idea about the media. So alt text have impact in on page ranking factors.  

Meta Description

Meta description tells search engines what the content is about. Search engines use meta description text for generating search result. Users also get ideas about the page from it. It creates an appeal to the users to visit the site


This are the most common factors that affect your on page SEO performance. Although there are other factors that have impact in it which will be discussed soon.

1 comment:

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